Frequently Asked Questions

Waiver (Opt Out)

If you do not want the Student Health Insurance Plan, you must decline or opt-out of coverage by submitting a waiver. You may only opt-out of coverage during the following Waiver Periods:

Fall Semester - 06/24/2024 - 09/05/2024

Spring/Summer Semester - 12/02/2024 - 01/30/2025

Summer - 05/12/2025 - 06/02/2025


Your access to the online waiver site will not be available until all of the following items have been completed:

  1. You have completed your fall housing application and have received your fall room assignment.
  2. The fall housing fee & student health insurance fee are billed to your student account. You can view your billing information in Gateway.
  3. You completed your registration for your fall classes.

StMU Health Insurance Policy:

St. Mary’s University requires that all students who live on campus, all intercollegiate athletes, and all international students maintain health insurance coverage as a condition of enrollment.

  1. The premium for the Student Insurance Plan will be billed automatically for all students who live on campus, all intercollegiate athletes, and all international students (F1, J and H visa types).
  2. The insurance premium will be waived for students who provide documented evidence of health insurance that is comparable to the St. Mary’s University Student Health Insurance Plan.
  3. Intercollegiate athletes must ensure that the team physicians; Dr. Paul Saenz (orthopedic surgeon) and Dr. Timothy Palomera (orthopedic surgeon), and Sports Medicine Associates of San Antonio are IN NETWORK with their health insurance plan before requesting a waiver. Intercollegiate athletes have additional conditions that must be met before a waiver is granted.
  4. Students who waive coverage with the StMU Student Health Insurance Plan are required to maintain health insurance coverage throughout the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

Note: You will be required to attach a scanned copy of your health insurance card in order to complete this waiver.

(Any benefits with a waiting period in force will NOT meet the guidelines to waive coverage.)

Click on the link below to complete and submit a waiver form request.


StMU Health Insurance Policy

All International (F, J or H Visa) students, including international athletes attending St. Mary’s University are required by the University to carry health insurance for the entirety of their academic career, and therefore, submit proof of insurance coverage annually. The University has established three circumstances in which an international student can request a waiver to the student health insurance plan. In order to be approved for a waiver, your alternate health coverage must meet or exceed the requirements as set forth below and be submitted by June 2, 2025 which is the final waiver deadline. No extensions will be granted.

Criteria to submit a waiver request:

  1. Student is sponsored by the US or a foreign government, recognized by the US, and they guarantee payment of all health care expenses including medical evacuation and repatriation, and are in compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  2. Student is covered by a U.S. employer health insurance plan or by a parent/spouse’s U.S. employer health insurance plan that is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

IMPORTANT: Travel plans or plans that require you to pay for treatment yourself and then apply for reimbursement will NOT be acceptable for waiving the StMU University Student Health Plan.

If you meet one of the above criteria, then your alternative health insurance coverage must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Medical coverage is unlimited
  2. Deductible is $500 or less
  3. Medical Evacuation Coverage is $10,000 or more
  4. Repatriation Coverage is $7,500 or more
  5. Dates of coverage meet or exceed the requirement for the policy year.

If your alternate coverage meets the above minimum requirements, acquire the following scanned documents to submit a waiver request:

  1. The front and back of your insurance card
  2. The insurance policy benefits summary, in English, that identifies you as a covered individual, provides the dates of your coverage, and clearly indicates that the coverage meets or exceeds the minimum requirement.  Coverage amounts must be in US dollars.
  3. The proof of medical evacuation and repatriation coverage (if you have this coverage).

Click on the link below to complete and submit a waiver form request.